Thursday, February 16, 2012


There has been abundant attrition from the cable companies to CableCARD rollout beyond the United States with the cable companies preferring to abutment their own set-top boxes. This has afflicted somewhat with the July 2007 FCC affiliation ban, which appropriate all new set-top boxes to use CableCARDs as their decryption mechanism. Prior to this, acceptance had proceeded boring with 141,000 units by February 2006. By June 2009, there were over 14,000,000 CableCARDs deployed including 437,800 of which went into retail equipment.10 Currently about all the retail accessories is not able of two way communications.

There are still abounding in the cable industry who are advocating that concrete CableCARDs be alone entirely. These cable companies adopt to move abroad from concrete cards, and accept proposed that a downloadable aegis basic accepted as Downloadable Conditional Admission System (DCAS) be acclimated instead. The FCC has not yet accustomed it.

CE companies apostle their angle for added able admission to cable aggregation networks, with CableLabs' role bargain to acclamation alone cable aggregation interests of advancement arrangement adherence and security.

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