Thursday, February 16, 2012

Physical CableCARDs

The concrete CableCARD that is amid into the host accessory is a PCMCIA blazon II agenda which handles decryption of video, and authoritative abiding that alone humans that accept paid for the approach may appearance it. This is aswell accepted as "conditional admission module" function.

There are two kinds of concrete CableCARDs:

A "Single-stream" CableCARD (S-CARD) can break a individual approach at a time. The S-CARD blueprint was initially defined in the Host-POD Interface (SCTE 28) and POD Copy Protection System (SCTE 41) standards (often referred to as CableCARD 1.0) set of specifications.

A "Multi-Stream" CableCARD (M-Card) can break up to six channels simultaneously. Multi-Stream cards were defined in a abstracted certificate in 2003.

No absolute M-Cards were appear afore CableCARD 2.0 was appear which accumulated and added the CableCARD 1.0 and Multi-Stream standards.8 M-Cards are astern accordant with accepted CableCARD devices. To earlier CableCARD accessories that do not abutment assorted streams, the agenda appears to be a individual beck card. CE companies accept continued capital M-Cards for their CableCARD 1.0 host accessories in adjustment to attempt with Cable aggregation accessories that use assorted tuners. This is important for articles such as Moxi & TiVo CableCARD DVRs, televisions with picture-in-picture and CableCARD-equipped claimed computers, which charge to be able to almanac one appearance while the user is watching another. To accredit this after an M-Card, these articles would be appropriate to use assorted S-CARDs.

A accepted delusion is that there is a CableCARD 2.0 concrete agenda that will accommodate two way casework which is not accordant with a UDCP (one-way) certified devices. This is not the case. OpenCable Host Accessories (two-way) are able to use either S-CARDs or M-Cards. And earlier UDCP certified accessories can aswell use either agenda (but unless they are M-UDCP will not be able to yield advantage of assorted streams).

Interactive appearance such as Video on Appeal await on the CableCARD Host accessory getting an OpenCable Host Accessory and accept annihilation to do with the concrete card. This makes the accepted use of the byword "CableCARD 2.0" as a claim for video on appeal misleading, back two way casework accept been provided with the absolute cards from the actual beginning.8

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