Thursday, February 16, 2012

Existing standard and certification procedures

Cable providers in the United States are appropriate by the FCC to abutment the CableCARD 2.0 standard. The blueprint was developed by CableLabs, a analysis accumulation run by a bunch of cable companies. Accessories that use CableCARDs are accepted as "Hosts" and have to be certified as adjustable with the blueprint by CableLabs. The acceptance action can yield cogent amounts of time and is performed in batches on a approved aeon every 3 months.

The aboriginal analysis apparatus to verify acquiescence of OpenCable hosts with the CableCARD one-way individual beck specifications, HPNX, was appear by SCM and Digital Keystone in 2003.4 Subsequently the HPNX Pro version, acknowledging two-way and M-card specifications, was appear by Digital Keystone in 2006.5 The "M-UDCP Device Acceptance Analysis Plan" appear by CableLabs defines how to use the HPNX Pro analysis apparatus to validate the OpenCable host devices.6

The aboriginal analysis apparatus to verify acquiescence of the CableCARD accessories with the OpenCable specifications, Host Emulator Tool, and produced by Margi Systems, was aboriginal activated by CableLabs to validate the Scientific Atlanta (Cisco) and Motorola POD (later renamed to CableCard) accessories in 2003.

Cable companies in the United States are appropriate to accommodate CableCARDs befitting to this specification, and have to absolute incompatibilities amid their networks and certified CableCARD devices.7

The accepted CableCARD accepted was built-in out of an adversarial action amid two capital groups: cable companies represented by the National Cable & Telecommunications Association (NCTA) and customer electronics companies represented by the Customer Electronics Association (CEA). The allocation of the CableCARD specs that could be agreed on call how one-way casework work, and so alone the allocation accepted as UDCP (Unidirectional Digital Cable Product) was appropriate by the FCC. As it was the alone affair required, a lot of of the aboriginal accessories were alone one-way capable; about all the absolute CableCARDs produced were consistently two-way capable. Many enhancements to the CableCARD accepted including the alternative Multi-Stream abutment became accepted as CableCARD 2.0.

Although an optical cable service, Verizon FiOS is classified as a cable account and have to by FCC rules aswell abutment the CableCARD standard. No cable providers in Canada currently abutment CableCARD. Video providers in Europe have to accommodate to the DVB accepted which is a added absolute accessible accepted absolute by absolute standards bodies.

CableCARD aswell supports non-television functions. It can aswell act as a cable modem controller, afresh with the host accouterment accentuation and demodulation functions, and the agenda accouterment adaptation and IP acquisition functionality; about this affection is rarely used, and depends on the cable provider.

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